
Qualitative and quantitative approaches to rule of law research

The International Network to Promote the Rule Of Law (INPROL) has released an innovative practitioner's guide on Qualitative and quantitative approaches to rule of law research.

The guide recognises that strong research is fundamental for rule of law interventions; however designing and carrying out a research project can be a complex and overwhelming task. It has been written by Kristina Simion, INPROL's rule of law research forum facilitator.

This publication aims to assist rule of...

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Making the most of International Pro Bono Assistance

This handbook is an essential guide for all those involved in the planning, delivery or receipt of international pro bono services.

Risk and Return: Foreign Direct Investment and the Rule of Law

Every year, well over US$1 trillion in foreign direct investment (FDI) flows across borders worldwide. This study, undertaken by the Economist Intelligent Unit on behalf of Hogan Lovells, the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law and the Investment Treaty forum focuses on the possibility that arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by the host government will reduce or eliminate the benefits of an investment.

Engaging Legal Academics in Law and Development Programming

A ROLE UK paper by Lawrence McNamara, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law September 2015

Legal academics are among those who might make very valuable contributions to ROLE UK programming.

This paper identifies some of the gaps, opportunities and challenges in drawing legal academics into law and development programming. It concludes that legal academics are a very large, very highly skilled group...

Why corruption matters: understanding causes, effects and how to address them

“What are the conditions that facilitate corruption, what are its costs and what are the most effective ways to combat it?”

This Evidence Paper is published by the UK Department for International Development. It is not a policy document.

The paper was written by a team led by Alina Rocha Menocal at the Overseas Development Institute (now on secondment at the Developmental Leadership Program) and Nils Taxell at U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre.

This paper seeks to:...

The why, what and how of monitoring and evaluation: Guidance for providers of international pro bono legal assistance

This guidance note by LASER aims to demystify some of the concepts around monitoring and evaluation (M&E). It also offers international pro bono poviders tools to improve their understanding of how change comes about and maximise their impact.

Guidance note: How legal pro bono assistance can add value to development programming

This guidance note highlights lessons learnt about effective use of legal pro bono assistance by LASER (DFID’s Legal Assistance for Economic Reform programme). The focus is on how this assistance can be woven into development programming to enhance the impact of both the programming and the pro bono assistance provided.

United Nations: Business and Human Rights

This publication contains the "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework", which were developed by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises.

The Human Rights Council endorsed the Guiding Principles in its resolution 17/4 of 16 June 2011.

Independent Review and Learning Report

This Review and Learning Report, commissioned by ROLE, presents evidence and learning to date in relation to the assignments that ROLE supports. It analyses a sample of 12 assignments in order to assess the ROLE theory of change and the value of the pro bono model it supports. ROLE has a strong focus on evidence and learning and welcomes the recommendations contained within this report, which are informing ongoing programme implementation.

